Aaron Palmer
Gold Spelunker.
Danger Seeker.
Motorcycle Air Acrobatics.
Ninjitsu Stunt Double.
Hamster Tai-bo.
Maker of Egg Milkshakes.
Founding Father.
Hat Wearing SOB.
Paint Mixer.
Will blow your tail clean off.
Does NOT play Warcraft.
Dog Therapy.
Financial Reporter.
Sad Clown.
Gratuitous Flirt.
Great Kisser.
The guy that makes you every
once in a while tilt your head to the side and scratch it in
pure amazement at the confusion that he causes.
Master of Boomerang.
Making Something of a Certain
Nature Right since ot 2. |
- Grew up in Milaca, MN.
- Graduated in 1995.
- Went to UMD in Duluth, MN
for 1.5 years.
- Dropped out, moved back in
with my dad for 1 year.
- Moved to Brainerd, MN.
Lived there for 2 years.
- Moved to St. Cloud, MN.
Lived there for 3 years.
- Went to SCSU for a semester.
Dropped out.
- Moved to Minneapolis, MN in
2002. Lived here ever since.
At UMD I just had way too much
fun. Milaca is a small town with not much to do.
Both my parents were teachers so if I was bad over the
weekend they heard about it first thing Monday morning.
So when I went to college I just kind of went wild!
Big city, pretty girls, beer and other fun things - it was
an amazing, great, fun time for me. Unfortunately, I
just couldn't stop. Well, I could stop going to class
and doing homework - it was everything else I couldn't stop.
I met a lot of cool people and I miss them a lot. Sean
Gort in particular (miss ya buddy!), who taught me all about
"punk rock" and got me into Screeching Weasel, The Nobodys,
The Queers, and tons of other great music I had never heard
When I moved in with my dad I
got a job at Grand Casino Mille Lacs, about a 45 minute
drive from Milaca (gas was like 90 cents back then so
whatevs.) I basically went to work at midnight to 8am
and then played video games when I got home. I turned
21 and became a bit of an alcoholic, downing a tumbler of
bacardi limon in one drink and then chasing with mountain
dew, then sitting back and let the alcohol slowly take me
away. Decided I needed a place of my own so I moved to
Brainerd, which was almost just as far to Grand Casino only
going south instead of north, and lived above the Power Loon
radio station.
Brainerd was great fun:
camping, swimming and a lot of drinking. Eventually I
got sick for a week and got fired from Grand Casino.
Unfortunately there's no job market (unless your parents own
a business up there.) around Brainerd (at least at the
time.) So I became a cart pusher at County Market.
Lol, it sucked, I would be pouring sweat by the end of the
day if it was summer or freezing to death in the winter.
I began hanging out at this new place called the Eclectic
Cafe right after I moved there. It was like a place
for all the "outcasts" to hang out. I met so many
great people through there! Met a great guy named
Jason Ohman when I worked at the Casino who liked punk rock
and drinking, two things I also liked, so he, his girlfriend
and I began to hang out a lot up there and eventually moved
in together. It was like a bohemian flophouse, that
place. Over the course of a year like 8 different
people moved in and out of it. Ohman eventually had to
go live with his mom, so I made some new friends like Matt
Majka who introduced me to tons of people. I miss them
so much.
While up there I felly madly
in love with this girl, and one day she said she was going
to try out for this play, and that I should go to. I
thought it would be a perfect "in" with her so I did,
thinking I'd get a small part. I got the lead role lol!
Dracula in Braham Stoker's Dracula put with the local
community theater company (it was fall so it was a halloween
production.) I never did hook up with her, but I
hooked up with 2 of the other cast members! Ahhhh,
good times and lots of fun.
I eventually had to move out
of the bohemian flophouse and so I was offered a place to
live in St. Cloud with 2 brothers, Damon and Ethan Kalor.
Nice guys, we had lots of fun, continued to drink a lot and
threw a lot of dance parties rofl. They were in a band
called Nothing Jive About Jupiter. The bassist, Jess
Semens, went to art high school in the cities. Earlier
that year I went to Guttermouth and the Nobodys at the
Foxfire in Minneapolis (miss that place) and a band called
Ohm opened up for them. It was kind of a screamo punk
band, back before there was screamo. Anyways, Jess
started dating the guy Steph, who was the lead singer in
Ohm, so the first time I met him I recognized him and said,
"You were great opening up for Guttermouth and the Nobodys."
I thought that was one of the stranger coincidences in my
life. But wait, it gets stranger. He used to
come up to our house and sleep on our floor, party with us,
hell of a nice guy. He started another band called
Building Better Bombs and used to play the Java Joint with
Nothing Jive a few times. He then went on to be in a
rap group called Cenospecies, which was pretty awesome.
He later became P.O.S. I guess that's my "I knew him
before he was a star" story. He came through the gas
station I used to work at a few times over the last few
years, but I don't think he remembers me. Can't blame
him, he's probably met thousands of people since becoming
such a huge success. But he was always super nice
every time, never has an ego or anything. I'm truly
happy for him and his success.
Well anyways I eventually
moved out of that place into a huge house with 7 other guys.
They were all college students, and I worked overnights at
Walgreens on Division. Almost every weekend they'd
throw parties to make money for rent. Huge parties, 2
kegs of icehouse (not a good idea, ever, to give a bunch of
young kids 2 kegs of icehouse, by the way...) Met a
lot of people, didn't like any of them really. The
roommates were cool, but it seemed they were asshole
magnets, and there were people breaking shit and getting in
fights every weekend (2 kegs of icehouse probably helped
with that, hehe.) I met a lot of girls, though, so it
wasn't all bad.
I wanted to go back to school,
so I started going to SCSU. I bought my first computer
with the money they gave me! I still have the original
harddrive to this day - a Maxtor 40 gig. Everything
else has been replaced 2 or 3 times, but that little
harddrive just won't give up, lol. Anyways, I thought
I could work overnights and go to school, but it was just
too taxing on me and I got really sick the 2 weeks leading
up to spring break. After it was over, I just didn't
go back.
My brother started to go to
SCSU at this time, and his second year we moved in together
with 2 other guys who were pretty cool. We had some
great parties. I started hanging out with my manager
of all people from Walgreens, he was a couple years younger
than me, in the army, didn't do drugs or anything,
completely straightedge, but we still hit it off and had
some great times. He was going to be shipped off to
some country to fight last I heard from him (10 years ago
almost), I hope he's alright and, like, die or anything...
Damon had moved to the Twin
Cities after I lived with him, and he kept telling me to
move down there, he'd get me a job, etc. So finally in
2002 I did just that. Got a job at Deja Vu, which is a
lot shittier than you'd think it was hahaha. Got in a
lot of fights, did a lot of bullshit that you would never
have to deal with Unless you worked in a strip club.
But the money was great, with tips I probably was making
20-25 bucks an hour. I had stacks of one dollar bills
so thick that you could barely squeeze them together end to
end. Looking back I wonder where it all went?
There was a DJ there named Brandon VanVliet who made a small
film called Up North with his film company Restraining
Hollywood. I had an idea for a film and he loved it so
we started filming it that summer. I taught myself
how to edit it in Final Cut Pro (very much like Acid Pro so
not much of a problem) and edited the entire hour long movie
"People Talk" in 2005. Also edited several music
videos and other small things while I was with Restraining
Quit the company, got fired
from the Vu, lost contact with all my friends, started a job
at this gas station which sucked. It's like my entire
life changed within the span of a month, and I had to start
over from scratch.
As much as I hate to say it,
working at that gas station allowed me to meet a lot of new
people and make a lot of new friends. I met Dustin
Duffy and Kari Jo Rod - Dustin has recorded vocals for my
music on 2 tracks (first being my birthday in 08 - great
birthday present!), he's mastered 2 albums for me, I'm in a
band with him called Precious Metals, and we kinda just jam
out sometimes doing 3 or 4 hour sets we like to call the
Kodiak Sessions. Kari had 2 great art shows called
Relentless Gallery, which combined artists, musicians, and
other local talented people. They were a lot of fun.
Esten Staab worked at the gas station for a while, he's the
guy who started Precious Metals with Dustin, and then was
kind enough to ask me to join. Vosa Em worked there
for a while, he's an incredibly talented singer/guitarist.
We started a band called Agent Empire and have been sitting
on a 13 track album for a few years now. Eric Presnell
loved video games, movies, The Walking Dead, and Game of
Thrones as much as I did and we had some great discussions
about shit. Never met a person who loved Twisted Metal
more than me until I met him lolol. Lolly Remel and
Joleen Shultz have been two great friends as well.
It's just so funny how
different my life was when I graduated high school. I
wanted to be an actor, I never really experienced life, I
was bad at talking to people, especially girls, I barely
even drank a beer. Completely sheltered, lol.
Other points in my life:
- Started making music in 2002
using Acid Pro. Shown to me by Sean Mueller.
- Co-wrote/co-directed/co-casted/acted,
edited and made music for "People Talk" in 2005.
Brandon VanVliet made it possible.
- Started making music in 2007
using Reason. Shown to me by Dustin Duffy.
- Started making websites and
artwork for various stuff:
- - My music
- - Dynasty Warriors (I was a
huge fan)
- - Anarchy Online things (MMO
I played for 6 years)
- - Restraining Hollywood
- - Myspace
- - Facebook
- - Zazzle
- - Squidoo
and it just all kind of came
together into this culmination of creativity. That's
what this website is, one giant creative output for me.
Hope you enjoy it!